YBY ep 319: Patti Stiles and a life of telling stories and creating wonder.
This week on Yes But Why, I present my interview with Patti Stiles.

Patti Stiles is an actor, director, author, playwright and teacher who specializes in improvisational theatre. She has been working professionally in theatre since 1983. Patti has taught and performed in North and South America, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, UAE and the Oceania region for numerous improv companies, festivals, and theatre schools as well as the corporate arena.
Patti is a member of the ITI Artistic Committee (CA), a founding member of the award-winning Die Nasty – improvised soap opera (CA) and former Artistic Director of Rapid Fire Theatre (CA), Dream Kitchen Theatre (CA) and Impro Melbourne (AU). In 2021, she released her first book, Improvise Freely.
In our interview, Patti and I chatted about connecting with an audience, the trappings of success, and the creative processes involved with writing a book.
Patti mused about her time spent at the Loose Moose Theater company. She told me that it was inside this theater space that she felt “at home.”
Patti discussed her time working with children and how that informed her entire career as a storyteller. She told me about building a career as a performer and a teacher in this industry.

Patti shared her experience of writing her book, Improvise Freely, and talked excitedly about how much she can’t wait to write her next book.

credit Tamas Kunsztler
This was an absolutely lovely conversation. It was such an honor to speak to Patti Stiles.
You can find Patti Stiles out in the world at Trondheim International Impro Festival, the first international impro festival in Trondheim Norway, from August 28 to September 3. Then later (September 5-12), she’ll be in Helsinki, Finland, doing workshops.
Check out Patti’s schedule on her website and connect with her when she travels near to you or goes to a festival you are also going to! https://www.pattistiles.com/schedule
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(production notes: recorded zoom meeting via Rodecaster on 6/27/2022; posted on 8/22/2022)