The Latest From Yes But Why
YBY ep 332: Emma Borrow is sprinkling her improv magic on the world.

This week on Yes But Why, I chatted with Copenhagen-based improviser, Emma Borrow! Emma Borrow is an improv performer and teacher currently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark. Originally from England, Emma began her theatrical journey at the Copenhagen Theatre Circle, an English-speaking amateur theatre group, with a 55-year history of bringing people together through the love of the stage. These days, Emma can be found performing weekly on the mainstage of…
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YBY ep 331: Jada Pulley is dedicated to making improv an art form accessible to all!

This week on Yes But Why, I interviewed improv performer and producer, Jada Pulley. Jada Pulley is a teaching and theater artist based in Minneapolis, MN. Jada is a staple of HUGE Theater, where they regularly produce and perform in improv shows, such as “Based on a True Story.” They are a proud director of the Twin Cities Black and Funny Improv Festival and founder of the Queer and Funny…
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YBY ep 330: Karla Dingle really knows how to bring people together.
This week on Yes But Why, I chatted with actor, improviser, and coach Karla Dingle. Karla Dingle has spent her life on the stage. She is an actor and a voiceover artist. You can see her performing improv with Now are the Foxes Improv Comedy, Close Distance Improv, Charlotte Comedy Theater, and Background Noise Musical Improv. Karla’s passion beside performing is teaching and coaching. Currently, Karla is the Education…
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YBY ep 329: Chris Mead and the magic of producing theater

This week on Yes But Why, I was delighted to connect with UK improv leader, Chris Mead. Chris Mead is a full time performer and teacher of improv. He has performed and taught in over 25 countries worldwide. Chris lives in the Surrey Hills of England with his wife, Laura and their dog friend, Radio. A passionate lover of improv, Chris Mead is currently teaching for Hoopla Impro, the largest improv school…
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YBY ep 328: Reid Messerschmidt is Irrationally Exuberant

This week on Yes But Why, I chatted with Reid Messerschmidt, a writer and podcaster from Fargo, ND. Reid Messerschmidt features his writings as well as his performance thereof on his show, The Irrationally Exuberant Podcast. He is a hilariously fun person to follow on social media. You can find Reid scouring thrift shops (or the river) for the best and weirdest of treasures. You can also catch him on…
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