The Latest From Yes But Why

YBY ep 262: Gael Doorneweerd-Perry on experiencing pure freedom performing onstage!

Gael Doorneweerd-Perry improviser

This week, Yes But Why speaks with globally acclaimed improviser, Gael Doorneweerd-Perry. Gael is a French improv performer/teacher who is currently running The Flock Theatre in Amsterdam alongside his wife, Laura Doorneweerd-Perry. Gael started his improv journey in Strasbourg where co-founded Anananas & Pampamplemousse (formerly La Carpe Haute). He’s also co-founder of the SIN, an international network of improvisers in Europe. Gael and Laura travel all over the globe, performing…
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YBY ep 261: Filmmaker Frankie Frain on telling stories and getting the job done!

frankie frain film director camera

This week on Yes But Why, I interviewed Frankie Frain, a writer, director, and producer based out of my home state, Massachusetts. Frankie Frain is an award-winning filmmaker (Sexually Frank, Having Fun Up There), YouTube content creator, and head of Red Cow Entertainment. From narrative and documentary feature films to macaroni and cheese reviews, Frankie has told hundreds of stories, and you can expect a lot more. I had a…
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YBY ep 260: Julie LoRusso and the daily meditation of learning, growing, and becoming a better self.

julie lorusso headshot

This week on Yes But Why, I had a wonderful chat with television director, Julie LoRusso. Julie LoRusso is a multi-camera live and live-to-tape director with over 30 years-experience in television production. Julie has worked with clients such as MTV, PBS, and Comedy Central. Some of the highlights of her work have been with Sesame Street (2020), Tidal X – Lil’ Wayne (2018), CrossFit Games (2014-Present), and Times Square New…
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YBY ep 259: Neil Curran and the ever-evolving artform of improv.

This week on Yes But Why, I have a great talk with Irish improviser, Neil Curran. Neil Curran is one of leading influencers of the improv scene in Ireland.  He has been teaching and performing improv both in Ireland and internationally for many years. He has toured with his signature show, “Neil + 1,” at festivals and theatres around the world.  By day, Neil is an applied improv trainer with…
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YBY ep 258: Sheri Flanders on pushing the boundaries of art and culture.

This week on Yes But Why, I spoke with Sheri Flanders, a Chicago-based actor, comedian, writer, and visual artist. Sheri Flanders is an instructor at the Second City Training Center in Chicago, and her performance background ranges from improv, stand up, musical theater, commercials, Shakespeare, corporate training and voice over work. Sheri is half of the interracial married sketch comedy duo, Flanders. Sheri is a writer of sketch comedy, musicals,…
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