YBY ep 321: Fiona Howat on finding what makes you happy and doing it!
This week on Yes But Why, I chat with Fiona Howat.

Photo Credit: Jamie Drew
Fiona Howat is a podcaster who loves improv, storytelling and roleplaying games. As well as doing as much improv as possible (both online and in person), she runs two RPG-related podcasts, ‘What I am Rolling?’: a twice-monthly RPG one-shot podcast, and ‘The DM’s Bookclub‘: where each week the hosts take a topic from Dungeons and Dragons and discuss how they might include it in their roleplaying campaigns!
Fiona and I met in a workshop led by the amazing Katy Schutte and had had a little creative interaction before we met via zoom to create this podcast episode together. We hit it off and had a great old time getting to know each other for about an hour before we started the official episode. Safe to say, we are both excitedly chatting throughout so enjoy the enthusiasm!

Photo Credit: Armandary Photography
In our conversation, Fiona told me of her love for world building.

Photo Credit: Ed Fargher
When she was a child, she derived creative inspiration from Tomb Raider and Japanese RPGs. She loved to explore the worlds she was presented with and create her own stories within it. Later, her storytelling itch was scratched with communities that love Doctor Who and Harry Potter. (Plus, she got to play Quidditch and that was really fun.)
After college, Fiona’s effort to make new friends was to play sports – dodgeball, basketball, rugby, all sorts of roughhousing fun. A sports friend suggested she do DND. A DND friend suggested she do podcasting. And a podcast guest suggested she take an improv class. So the lesson here is get out there and have fun. Fiona has so many interests and she just gets involved. It’s truly admirable.
Fiona Howat was such a fun guest.
Support her by listening to her two RPG-related podcasts, ‘What I am Rolling?’ and ‘The DM’s Bookclub‘!
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