YBY ep 288: Ammon Taylor on saving the world one musical at a time.
This week on Yes But Why, I had the pleasure of speaking with pianist, composer, and music director, Ammon Taylor.

photo credit Steve Rogers
Currently based in Austin, Texas, Ammon Taylor is The Paramount Theatre’s Education Music Director and an active member of Austin’s theatre community. With a Bachelor of Music in composition from UT Austin, Ammon has been using his background in classical, jazz, and musical theatre to set children’s narrative inventions to music with Story Wranglers, and to create scores for improvised musicals on-the-spot with The Hideout Theatre’s house shows and troupes.
In our conversation, Ammon talks about how music has been part of his life since he was born. He tells me about his obsession with Beethoven at 9 years old and how that developed into playing in angsty rock bands when he was a teen.
Ammon tells me about moving out on his own to Seattle and then the world traveling adventures that followed. Later, he went to college at UT for music and we go down the rabbit hole of loving Austin. Then he tells me how he got so well connected in the improvised musical scene and how he is a music director full time now and how wonderful that is. We chat about deep feelings, jazz trios, and wanting to save the world.
Support Ammon Taylor by support The Paramount Theatre in Austin! And by checking out Ammon’s most recent musical project to save the world, Rites of Warming.
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